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Silver Ballon 2

Eight fantastic new tracks – including another madcap adventure for Silver Balloon, narrated by the newsreader Jon Snow.

My Silver Balloon 2 is a personalised music CD that contains your child’s name sung throughout the lyrics. A great sequel to Album One, but works on it's own too!

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Duration: 36 minutes
Child's name sung in the lyrics more than 50 times

Track One: Start the day with the child’s personal trainer, Felix the Fitness Flea.

Track Two: Find out where our breakfast food comes from, courtesy of Doogie Down on the Farm.

Track Three: Travel the World by foot, plane and train and try your hand at Bobby Silly’s tongue twister

Track Four: Learn the times table with Sergeant Sum, the drill sergeant teacher who takes your child on parade - and will have the whole family marching round the room

Track Five: That favourite childhood activity - Dressing-Up - set to music

Track Six: Your child will understand what their body can do and why, after they’ve listened to Superhuman – a sophisticated jazz-funk track sure to be enjoyed by the whole family.

Track Seven: Quite probably the most beautiful lullaby you’ve ever heard – The Mermaid’s Lullaby – guaranteed to send you to sleep as well as your child (or your money back!)

PLUS! Jon Snow returns as guest narrator in a second marvellous adventure for Silver Balloon.

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